uspa training center


Are you ready to take your training to the next level?
If so the KOGYM Powerlifting Team may be the answer for you.

Lead by Larry Pollock, Winner of multiple powerlifting competitions including:
2 time APF California State Powerlifting Champion.

• Are you bored of the same old routines?
• Have you reached a plateau in your fitness?
• Want to try something different?
• Are you ready to take your training to the next level?

We believe that powerlifting offers many benefits and is actually in line with many people’s goals for exercising. So before you rule out powerlifting as an option, ask yourself…
why do I go to the gym?

• To look good?  • To get stronger?
• To be healthy?  • To relieve stress?
• To improve self-confidence?
• To eat more of your favorite foods?

If your answer is like any or all of those listed above, then powerlifting is probably the most efficient and fastest way of achieving those goals.

We would like to invite you to join KO Gym’s new powerlifting team. The team will be led by no other than our very own Larry Pollock, an experienced power lifter with over 30 years of lifting experience and winner of multiple powerlifting competitions including two-time APF California State Powerlifting Champion.

The purpose and intent of this team is to share KO Gym’s passion and love for powerlifting with the world! This is truly a unique offering that only a gym like KO Gym can offer. The reason we are doing this is because we truly love powerlifting and would like to share our knowledge and experience with the world. But you don’t have to dream of becoming a power lifter to benefit from the way we train. Powerlifting is a sport in which the objective is simply to lift as much weight as possible. You can either lift the weight or you can’t – there are no excuses. Follow this workout, and even if you couldn’t care less about becoming a power lifter, we are going to make sure that when it comes to lifting and getting fit, you never need an excuse, either. By training for maximum strength, you’ll not only break plateaus and boost your max weights to numbers you’ll be proud to shout to the world, you’ll also build rock-hard muscle mass, blowtorch body fat, improve your overall health, and be in and out of the gym faster than ever.


Plan to do three workouts a week: one will focus on the bench press, and one will focus on the squat and one on the deadlift. Within those workouts the focus will be on lifting explosively, as training your muscles to apply force to the bar rapidly will ultimately lead to strength increases. You’ll lift very heavy weights to develop maximum strength directly.


You don’t have to commit to a crazy powerlifting regimen in order to benefit from incorporating a bit of the sport into your gym routine. Here are some of the many advantages:

INCREASED MUSCLE SIZE. Lifting heavy loads is probably the single most important training component to building muscle. Though some will argue that the amount of volume you do (the total number of reps you perform for a muscle group) is key for muscle growth, in the end, it all comes back to heavy weights. If volume were the most important variable for gaining size, every bricklayer in the country would be massive- because they all perform repetitive work with the same amount of weight day after day. Obviously, that’s not the case. Rather, to induce a phenomenon called sarcomeric hypertrophy (in which the actual size of the contractile proteins in your muscle fibers increases), you need to lift heavy. Powerlifting techniques ensure that you build not only aesthetic muscular bulk but also useful, strong muscles.

GREATER AB DEFINITION. Heavy lifting burns loads of calories and keeps your metabolism elevated for hours longer than aerobic exercise. Forget the treadmill, in fact – your metabolism slows within minutes of stepping off the racing belt.

OVERALL IMPROVED HEALTH. Studies have shown that lifting with 10% of the force it takes to break a bone will actually help that bone grow thicker. That’s why power lifters have bones like steel cables. Experience similar gains on your own and you’ll not only be stronger but also more resistant to the effects of aging, such as osteoporosis and joint problems. Even better, powerlifting also reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease-primarily because of its effectiveness as a stress reliever. And if that weren’t enough, it also boosts self-confidence: Watching the weight you use on your best lifts increase each week gives you a tremendous sense of accomplishment. Unlike lifting to “tone” or merely “shape up,” powerlifting is quantifiable you get immediate feedback from the weights.

YOU’LL GET OUT OF THE GYM QUICKER. The volume you perform in these work-outs probably won’t be as high as what you’re used to. Since you’ll be lifting so heavy and involving many of the muscles in your body at once, you won’t need to spend time isolating the smaller ones. When you powerlift, you don’t waste time on lesser exercises – you do the big ones that give you the most bang for your buck, and then you move on.

TRAINING not to be confused with merely “working out”, is the process by which a specific physical adaptation is obtained over a course of time. Simply put, Training is formulation and implementation of an exercise and diet plan intended to achieve a specific goal.

Training requires three things:

• The establishment of a quantitative goal (prerequisite)

• An intended plan of action to achieve that goal

• A positive attitude with a will to succeed

Once committed, training becomes an integral component of one’s life. Simply completing a workout is failure. Conquering a workout is victory. Regardless of one’s age, gender, ethnicity, profession or social status, the training environment does not discriminate, nor does it play favorites. We are limited only by our level of commitment.

Sign up now to reserve your spot today!

“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence”. – Confucius

Come in today to see what KO GYM has to offer.


Use our coupon to enjoy a 7-Day FREE Membership.
Bring a friend and you can both workout together!

Click on coupon to open in new window and print.
Or just show this to trainer or staff at KOGYM from your smartphone or tablet.

Sessions will take place:
Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM
Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM
Saturday afternoon at 3:30 PM

There will be a cap of 10 to 15 lifters max per session and sign-ups will be on a first come first serve basis.
There will be a nominal fee schedule to attend classes as follows: $200 per month or $20 per session.

Sign up today to reserve your spot!

email us or call us at 805.419.0009
to check pricing and schedule attendance.
